Title: Leadership Training Feedback Survey
Introduction: Thank you for participating in our leadership training program. We appreciate your commitment to developing your leadership skills, and we value your feedback on the effectiveness of the training and how we are promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will help us improve the program for future participants.
Instructions: Please read each question carefully and select the response that best reflects your experience in the leadership training program.
1. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the leadership training program?
- Extremely effective
- Very effective
- Somewhat effective
- Not very effective
- Not at all effective
2. How well did the leadership training program prepare you to be an effective leader?
- Extremely well
- Very well
- Somewhat well
- Not very well
- Not at all well
3. Which aspects of the leadership training program did you find most valuable? (Select all that apply)
- Communication skills
- Conflict resolution
- Goal setting and planning
- Time management
- Team building
- Cultural competency and diversity training
- Anti-racism training
- Other (please specify)
4. Which aspects of the leadership training program did you find least valuable? (Select all that apply)
- Communication skills
- Conflict resolution
- Goal setting and planning
- Time management
- Team building
- Cultural competency and diversity training
- Anti-racism training
- Other (please specify)
5. Was the leadership training program inclusive and equitable for individuals from diverse backgrounds, including BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour), individuals from different linguistic abilities, and geographic locations?
- Yes
- No
6. Were there any areas where the leadership training program could have been more inclusive and equitable? Please explain.
7. How could the leadership training program better address racism, oppression, and discrimination in the workplace? Please explain.
8. Was the training program well-organized and well-structured?
- Yes
- No
9. Were the training materials easy to understand and follow?
- Yes
- No
10. Was the training program delivered in a manner that kept you engaged and interested?
- Yes
- No
11. Did the leadership training program meet your expectations?
- Exceeded expectations
- Met expectations
- Did not meet expectations
12. How likely are you to recommend this leadership training program to a colleague or friend?
- Extremely likely
- Very likely
- Somewhat likely
- Not very likely
- Not at all likely
Closing Message: Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is valuable to us as we work to improve our leadership training program and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.